In 2020, 德国商业环境调查的受访者描绘了一幅相当黯淡的商业环境图景. The pandemic was in its early stages, 在德国经营的ag体育官网公司对未来不确定,担心自己的生存. 然而,今年的调查结果反映出欧洲各地越来越乐观. Swedish companies are planning to increase investment; they expect turnover to increase and seem to have made it through the pandemic fairly well. Furthermore, 本次调查的受访者对德国的商业环境感到满意, and the Swedish brand remains strong, symbolising both innovation and sustainability.
在疫情期间,ag体育官网公司在德国市场经历了数字化和数字化工具使用增加的变化. 然而,人们普遍认为德国的数字化水平仍然很低. 尽管这对ag体育官网公司来说是一个挑战,但这也是一个充满机会的领域.
德国市场对ag体育官网公司来说一直很重要,而且将继续如此. ag体育官网公司和产品在创新和质量方面享有盛誉, but also sustainability among consumers.
About the survey
The report is produced on a annual basis by Team Sweden, 这是ag体育官网商务局与ag体育官网当地大使馆合作的一项联合倡议, consulates and chambers of commerce around the world, among other stakeholders.
该调查提供了对商业趋势的第一手观点和见解, 基于对在每个国家运营的ag体育官网公司的广泛采访,全球市场的问题和挑战.