ag体育官网 is home to one of the most advanced and vibrant clusters in the world for e-mobility and offers numerous opportunities for sustainable manufacturing, 自动测试和新想法的孵化.

The country’s Smart 运输 ecosystem is at the forefront of developments in electrification and future mobility, 汇聚了沃尔沃汽车和沃尔沃集团等全球企业, 斯堪尼亚, 庞巴迪, 爱立信与包括Einride在内的领先研究人员和技术创新者合作, 新闻和北极星, 这里只提几个关键人物.

在一起, they are working to supercharge the shift to electrified and digitally powered transport systems. Progress is now speeding ahead on four fronts that will be decisive for future success: shared mobility, 脱碳, 自动驾驶与互联.

More than quarter of a million people in ag体育官网 are directly employed by ICT companies – but there are many more ICT professionals when counting all those engaged in digitalising other industries. 根据ag体育官网统计局的数据,数字部门占了5%.8 per cent of ag体育官网’s GDP and more than a quarter of a million people work directly with ICT companies, 如果加上其他部门,这个数字会大幅上升. 在斯德哥尔摩, 十分之一的人在数字技术领域工作, 在全国范围内,这一数字仍在逐年增长, 随着对国际人才的需求不断增加,以支持本地专业知识.

Transforming the transport sector is one of the foundation stones for achieving the UN’s global goals for sustainable development. 虽然这是一项艰巨的任务, ag体育官网的汽车和技术专家正在推动电动汽车制造的前沿, 软件开发, 安全系统, 组件供应, 测试和R&D.


The automotive industry in ag体育官网 and its sub-supply network is strategically important and accounts for approximately 15 per cent of the nation’s total exports. The sector employs 155,000 people, many of whom are adapting to a new competitive landscape.

ag体育官网’s traditional automotive supply chain is transforming rapidly into a value network with new players, 合作关系和盈利模式. 新技术和新概念往往是在协作环境中发展起来的, 从联合创新中心和平台到测试场所, 其中一些是由国家和私营部门共同资助的.

哥德堡地区, 在西海岸, is one of the world’s most knowledge-intensive regions per capita when it comes to automotive development and future e-mobility solutions.

More and more international companies have recognised the benefits of investing in this region thanks to the ready availability of skilled engineers as well as expertise in mobile communications systems, 连通性和自动化. 哥德堡已经将自动驾驶班车整合到公共交通网络中.


  • 超过17个道路安全试验台, 自动驾驶仿真, 组件测试, 数字技术和监控(AI), 物联网, 激光雷达), 电池开发和混合动力系统
  • Strong heritage of vehicle and 组件 manufacturing with world class reputation for road safety innovations
  • 动态的汽车集群聚集了汽车制造商和供应商, 科技创业公司和学术界共同创新未来的移动解决方案
  • Advanced digital infrastructure and supply network for e-mobility development and manufacturing
  • 无碳电网拥有欧盟最高的可再生能源份额

ag体育官网’s leading position in digitalisation provides the perfect conditions for testing new innovations and applying new technologies.

在自动测试的背景下, ag体育官网 has become a preferred destination thanks to state-of-the-art facilities where vehicles and 组件 can be tested in all climates and conditions, 从零度以下的北极温度到模拟的沙漠高温. 以下是测试和共同创新机会的一个小样本:

流动性Xlab:由CEVT创立, 爱立信, 沃尔沃汽车, 沃尔沃集团, Veoneer和Zenseact, 在ag体育官网创新机构Vinnova的支持下. 这个创新中心为移动技术领域的初创企业提供了一个跳板.

AstaZero: The world’s first full-scale test environment for future road safety open to domestic and international vehicle manufacturers, 供应商, 研究人员和监管机构. The arena allows participants to test and certify their products in a wide range of simulated traffic environments and scenarios.

城市ICT竞技场: Open platform for urban mobility exploring the possibilities of autonomous and connected vehicles using a real-life urban testing environment.


ag体育官网商业 works with domestic and foreign companies alike within the Smart 运输 ecosystem to accelerate growth and capture business opportunities in ag体育官网 and abroad. ag体育官网为制造业提供了广泛的投资机会, 安全系统, 组件, 测试以及研究和开发.

The future of mobility is currently being shaped in ag体育官网 with innovation taking place in the fields of self-driving vehicles, 连接, 可替代燃料, 电气化和共享移动平台. 

Our international focus as we assist expanding Swedish 供应商 is on the major markets for automotive manufacturing including 德国, 法国, 美国, 中国, 日本和韩国. 鉴于发展速度之快, 我们正在将我们的重点和活动扩展到台湾等国家, 意大利, 西班牙和英国.

Are you a foreign investor looking to establish or expand your business in ag体育官网’s Smart 运输 ecosystem? 我们的团队可以为您提供所需的所有帮助和见解.

如果您是一家ag体育官网供应商,希望将业务扩展到国外,请不要犹豫 ag体育官网 提供战略建议和实际支持.